Bantu Knot Out Fail: Why it Happens and How to Avoid It

Bantu knot is a great protective style and can look great on every hair. But Bantu knot out needs proper maintenance as they are very small in size. Otherwise, they might fall.

That’s why you should know why and take steps accordingly. However, if you’re struggling with that, here we are with you so that you get a clear idea of Bantu knot out fail, why it happens and how to avoid it.

There are several ways you can fix this problem. Let’s get down to the details about this.

What Causes Bantu Knot Out Fall? 

Causes Bantu Knot Out Fall

There are several reasons why the Bantu knot out may fail. Here are some of the major reasons.

  1. One of the major reasons why Bantu knots out fail is the knots in the wet hair. Most people thought wetting your hair might give you better results. As a result, your hair might be curled or fuller on one side and another side will look flat.
  2. Bantu knots are tiny knots which means the size of the knots has to be tiny. But sometimes tiny knots can make your head heavier or may increase headaches. That’s why some people make big knots which can lead to Bantu knot out fall.
  3. Before doing Bantu knots, your hair needs to be detangled. If you don’t detangle your hair properly, it might fall once you’re done making Bantu knots.
  4. To hold the Bantu knot in its place, you have to use some water-based serum or oil so that when you remove knots from your head, it’ll leave a beautiful curl and wave. However, if you don’t use the right product, your Bantu knot out will fail.
  5. After sleeping overnight, the actual shape of Bantu knots will be deformed. As a result, your knot out will fail.
  6. Some people use oil while twisting out the knot; thus, it’ll decrease the lifespan of your Bantu knots.

How to Fix the Bantu Knot Out Fall 

How to Fix the Bantu Knot Out Fall 

Here are some ways that you can follow to fix your Bantu knot out fall. Let’s check out.

  1. As already said, Bantu knots on wet hair can result in Bantu knot out fall. In that case, make sure you make Bantu knots on dry hair. If needed, use a hairdryer to dry out your hair and then go for Bantu knots.
  2. Originally Bantu knots had to be small in size. That’s why ensure you part your hair in small sections and twist it properly. Also, make sure you twist your hair at least 1 inch from the roots. Moreover, you’ll get more beautiful curls if the twisting is right during bantu knot out.
  3. Right hair products matter a lot to hold Bantu knots in their place. You have to choose products according to your requirement. For example, you can use a leave-in condition to give the required moisture to your knots. On the other hand, you can use heavy gel-type hair serum for shine and thicker hair.
  4. Argan oil is one of the holy grails for Bantu knots. You can use this oil and your hair will remain bouncy and soft after knotting out. However, twisting gel or shea butter are good options to hold Bantu knots securely.
  5. Your knot out will look flat after sleeping. So you can use a blow dryer to bring bounciness to your hair. And when you re-twisting your hair, do it slowly and take enough time. It can take approximately 20 minutes.
  6. After knotting out Bantu knots, some hair ends may look frizzy and fuzzy. You can use a curling wand to wrap those ends. This will look like little puff balls. Make sure you put your curl wand at 320 degrees. You can use argan oil to avoid frizzy and fuzzy hair.

How Long Do Bantu Knot Out Last? 

How Long Do Bantu Knot Out Last

Some people also prefer a curly style known as a knot-out after pulling out their Bantu knots, similar to a twist-out. However, Bantu knot out will last for one day. To accomplish this, carefully release each knot, then use your fingers to separate the strands while maintaining the curls that the knots have created.

Is Bantu Knot Out A Protective Style? 

Is Bantu Knot Out A Protective Style

Bantu knots are a protective style. But once you release the Bantu knots, it won’t be a protective style anymore. 


So what is Bantu Knot Out Fail: Why it happens and how to avoid it. It may happen if you don’t properly care and take precautions for your Bantu knots. But you can avoid it by taking the necessary steps as mentioned before.

By Cindy Mahlangu

Hey there! I'm Cindy Mahlangu, a pro hairstylist with a serious passion for natural hair care. My mission? To inspire and educate others on the beauty and benefits of protective hairstyles. Through my creative writing, aim to empower individuals to embrace their unique hair texture and confidently care for their locks. So, whether you're rocking locs, braids, or twists, join me on this hair journey and let's achieve healthy, fabulous tresses together!

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