Why You Should Try Wearing A Protective Style In Winter

Winter is a nightmare for your hair. You need to take really good care of your hair during this time. This means that you need to have a rigorous routine in place that you follow closely. But are there any other ways you can protect your hair from the whims of mother nature?

Are there any reasons to wear Protective Style in Winter Season? There are actually 6 really strong benefits to this style. You keep moisture, reduce static electricity, have styling options, up your style game, reduce maintenance pressure and seal your hair in a protective environment. There are a couple of risks but every cloud has a silver lining.

In this article, we will be telling how to deal with those risks appropriately. We’ll even go over what you can do if you don’t want to put your hair in a protective style. We’ll also point you in the direction of some beautiful styles to wear. But before anything else, we need to establish why winter is a bad time for your hair.

What Does Winter Do To Your Hair

What Does Winter Do To Your Hair

So, why is this time of the year so dreaded for haircare enthusiasts? These 4 issues haunt anyone who takes good care of their care.

1. Hair Loss

If there is one thing you can bet on in winter, it’s breakage. On top of that, the drop in temperature has a nasty effect on hair follicles and it causes your hair to fall. Type 4 or other textured hair has it even worse than straight hair. You can expect to lose a bit of hair during this period.

2. Uncontrollable Fizziness

Everyone loves putting on their cutest wool hats or scarves and rocking the best winter outfits, unfortunately, this is horrible for your hair’s shape. Chances are you’re no stranger to hat hair if you wear winter accessories often.

Even if you never wear any accessories, the low temperatures also make your hair more susceptible to static electricity, and that makes some strands stand like some sort of science experiment.

3. Frequent Tangles

Never take hot showers in winter without using some sort of hair cap. The hot water opens up your cuticles and unless you are planning to close them down with ice-cold water in the freezing weather, you are exposed to tangles.

Another way that your hair tangles in winter is when you wear hats. When you stuff your strands into that enclosed environment, you are almost definitely going to have some overlaps and tangle it pretty badly.

4. Loss Of Moisture

Dry scalp and dandruff are synonymous with winter. Why do these things suddenly happen during this time? That’s because the colder weather takes away moisture from your hair and that allows the fungi to grow comfortably.

On top of that, the lack of that moisturized shine gives your hair quite a dull look. If you lose a lot of moisture, your hair may actually become brittle. This will lead to split ends and further worsen the appearance of your locs. 

Benefits Of Wearing Protective Styles During Winter

Benefits Of Wearing Protective Styles During Winter

Why do we believe that protective hairstyles give you the tools that it needs to stay safe from the treacherous winter? These 6 perks make this style perfect for this time.

1. Locks In Moisture

The most severe issue that your hair is faced with during winter is the quick loss of moisture. In fact, most of the other issues are ripple effects of this phenomenon.

That’s why you need to do everything in your power to keep this moisture and the good news is protective styles specialize in that task. Nothing is leaving your hair.

2. Minimizes Static Electricity

When you tight-lock your hair in one place, there is less movement and this means that the strands don’t rub against each other. This reduces static electricity and in turn, decreases frizziness. Also, increased moisture means that hair is slightly wet which greatly deters friction.

3. Many Styles To Choose From

One of the best things about protective styles is that you can wear them how you want. It is one of the most versatile hairstyles out there. There are a lot of options to pick from. We’ll cover 7 amazing ones you can try out yourself very soon.

4. Minimal Manipulation

Protective styles look great and require no touch-ups. You don’t need to style them. This minimizes exposure to drying styling products. Also, the style is so tightly in place and strongly assembled that hats won’t do a thing to them.

5. Takes Care Of Itself

These styles are so easy to manage that you’ll forget that you’re wearing them. You barely have to wash your hair too. This makes life a lot easier, especially during winter, when showers can basically be considered torture.

6. Protection From The Elements

This isn’t a benefit that has much to do with winter but wearing protective styles creates a dome that stops foreign substances from entering. If you live in a region where it snows often, your hair is safe from being bombarded by snow. Other than that, it protects you from pollutants that are around all year round. 

Best Low Maintenance Styles For The Winter

Best Low Maintenance Styles For The Winter

You need to change up your hairstyle at least every 4 weeks. Otherwise, you’ll have a lot of tangling. You have the option of going for the same style again and again but why not go for multiple ones? These 7 styles should give you some nice ideas. 

1. Straight Back Cornrows

Straight Back Cornrows

If you are looking for a style that is both unique and beautiful, this is a style that will certainly make you stand out. However, this is really hard to make. You need to go to an experienced stylist and even they will take a lot of time to put this style in place. You know what they say: Beauty is pain.

Straight-back cornrows are a good hairstyle for winter. First, they protect the hair from harsh winter weather, such as cold temperatures, wind, and dry air, which can cause hair to become dry, brittle, and prone to breakage.

The tight braiding of cornrows also helps to seal in moisture and prevent the hair from becoming excessively dry, which is especially beneficial during winter when the air tends to be drier. It can be worn under hats or other headgear, providing an extra layer of insulation for the scalp and protecting it from the cold.

2. Buns With Added Hair

Buns With Added Hair

If you are looking for a quick and easy style, this one is for you. It’s done in minutes and looks really simple and nice. Synthetic hair adds volume to this style if you need it. One major benefit of this style is that there is no risk of cultural appropriation unlike most of these other ones if you are not black.

They can provide additional insulation to the scalp, protecting it from the cold weather and reducing heat loss from the head, which can help keep you warmer.

Secondly, the added hair can create a thicker and fuller-looking bun, adding volume and style to your hair even if it’s naturally thin or limp due to winter weather.

3. Bantu Knots

Bantu Knots

This hairstyle is deeply rooted in black culture. It is a style that symbolizes love and much like that feeling, it is very unique and can be quite difficult to get right. 

Bantu Knots are a popular protective hairstyle for winter due to several reasons.

It helps to retain moisture in the hair, which is essential during the colder months when the hair tends to get dry and brittle.

Secondly, Bantu Knots provide a protective barrier for the hair against harsh weather conditions, such as cold winds and low humidity, which can cause damage to the hair.

4. Box Braids

Box Braids

If it is good enough for Beyonce and Zendeya, we assume it is good enough for most people. This hair has become quite popular even though it takes some time to make. You can wear it at virtually any length but we believe it looks better with longer hair.

Box braids are an excellent protective hairstyle for winter due to several reasons.

First, they provide insulation to the hair, helping to keep it warm in colder weather and protect it from harsh winter elements, such as wind and cold temperatures.

Second, box braids are low-maintenance, which can be especially beneficial during the winter months when outdoor activities may be limited, and hair care routines may be more challenging.

Third, box braids are versatile and can be worn in various styles, including updos, buns, or covered with a hat or scarf, making them a practical and fashionable choice for winter.

5. Dreadlocks


This ropey hairstyle has become synonymous with black culture and its historical roots have made it a classic for both genders. A key part of the Rastafari movement, it has great religious significance and symbolizes the Lion of Judah.

Dreadlocks can be a practical hairstyle for winter due to their natural insulation properties. The thick, matted locks can provide warmth and protect the scalp from cold weather, reducing heat loss and keeping the head and neck cozy.

Additionally, dreadlocks can be low-maintenance during winter as they require less washing and styling, helping to prevent dryness caused by frequent hair care routines. The added insulation and convenience make dreadlocks a suitable choice for those looking for a winter-ready hairstyle.

6. Twists


Another super popular style for the black community, this style may be hard to make but it looks so great and it is so versatile, that it has become a staple in that community.

Twists are beneficial during winter due to their versatility in layering, warmth, and style.

They can be worn with various winter outfits, providing added insulation and coverage to keep you cozy in colder temperatures.

Twists also add an interesting and fashionable touch to your winter wardrobe, elevating your overall look.

Additionally, twists help to lock in heat and protect your hair from the harsh winter elements, making them a practical and stylish accessory for the winter season.

7. Senegalese Twists

Senegalese Twists

The Nation of Senegal and its proud African heritage resulted in its own unique take on twists. This style is wildly different from any other twist and takes a lot more effort but if you can pull them off, trust us, all eyes will be on you.

Senegalese Twists are great for winter due to their protective nature.

They provide a layer of insulation against the cold weather, helping to retain moisture and protect the hair from harsh environmental elements. The low manipulation required for maintaining Senegalese Twists also helps to reduce breakage and damage caused by frequent styling and exposure to cold air.

Additionally, Senegalese Twists are versatile, allowing for easy styling options and the ability to wear them in a variety of protective styles that can keep the scalp and hair protected from the cold weather.

Risks Of Wearing Protective Styles During Winter

Risks Of Wearing Protective Styles During Winter

It’s not all rainbows and butterflies once you wear braids. There needs to be a clear game plan in place once you wear braids. If you don’t maintain them properly, you’re wide open to these 2 threats.

1. May Increase Dryness

Moisture needs to be added to be locked. Your hair can’t just magically create moisture. This can be difficult with braids as you aren’t supposed to wash them often. You can do it with a leave-in conditioner spray though.

2. Potential Breakage

Protective styles tend to put a lot of strain and pressure on your hair in general. An improper technique that results in super tight braids may worsen this pressure. Eventually, you may face some breakage due to this.

Hair Care Tips For Naturalistas

Hair Care Tips For Naturalistas

We understand if you opt out of a braid because of the aforementioned risks. Some of you may go with just rocking your natural look and that’s fine too. The only thing you need to ensure is moisture retention. These 4 tips allow you to do that.

1. Use Good Products

More than what you put in your hair, it’s important what you don’t. You must avoid paraben and sulfates as these ingredients dry out your hair. Opt for a moisturizing shampoo, deep hydration conditioners, and some nice leave-in conditioners as well. Try going for natural ingredients as they are always your best bet.

2. Consistent Routine

There are a few rules you have to follow to the tee. Say no hot water. We know it’s soothing but you need to follow it up with cold showers and that is not. Speaking of showers, keep them to the minimum, if you can’t, go for shower caps. Use products sparingly and properly dry out your hair, don’t go for a hot blow dryer or aggressive towel drying, blow dry on the cold setting.

3. Oil More Frequently

Heavy oil treatments are really good to add moisture and heal those damaged hair follicles. Massage your scalp with castor or coconut oil and you’ll see positive results pretty quickly. 

4. Hair Masks Work Great

Nourishing hair masks can add back that moisture almost instantly and return that shine you tend to lose in the harsh winter.

Final Words

There you have it. If you have done your research on haircare, you know that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution in this field. However, there are a lot of Reasons to wear a Protective Style in the Winter Season.

Do the benefits outweigh the risks? That’s up to you to decide. In our books, it’s a clear win for this style as you can easily negate the risks with a careful haircare routine, although it may get tedious.

The funny thing is that is a non-negotiable no matter how you wear your hair. There is no escaping an effective haircare regimen. Your hair needs and deserves a fair bit of attention. The sooner you put it in, the better it is for your hair.

By Cindy Mahlangu

Hey there! I'm Cindy Mahlangu, a pro hairstylist with a serious passion for natural hair care. My mission? To inspire and educate others on the beauty and benefits of protective hairstyles. Through my creative writing, aim to empower individuals to embrace their unique hair texture and confidently care for their locks. So, whether you're rocking locs, braids, or twists, join me on this hair journey and let's achieve healthy, fabulous tresses together!

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