Tracks VS Weave: What’s the Difference?

There are many types of hair extensions, but the two most popular are weaves and tracks. The main difference between weaves and tracks is that weaves are sewn into your hair in small sections, while tracks use a row of cornrows as a base and the weft (or extension) is sewn onto the braids.

Another key differences are that weaves are usually made from human hair, while tracks can be made from either human or synthetic hair, weaves last longer than tracks and look more natural, but they’re also harder to remove and can’t be worn for as long as tracks.

Explains The Difference Between Tracks and Weaves

Explains The Difference Between Tracks and Weaves

Both have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to know the difference before deciding which is right for you.

1. What are Tracks and Weaves

Tracks are cornrows that are created on your own natural hair. In other words, the hair is braided in a very thin manner, that is created to attach clip-ins or hair extensions. It is important to note that it is done with original hair and cannot be externally attached. 

The weave is a collection of tracks. Or, hair weaves can also be created with natural hair as well, with thicker strands. But hair extensions are more popular than doing them naturally. Since they are made of natural hair stay protected. 

2. How Do You Install Track And Weave Hair Extensions?

Installing hair extensions can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be painful. It is important to make sure that you take your time and are careful when installing them. If done incorrectly, it can be very easy to damage your own hair or the extensions themselves.

A track can be easily sewn with a needle and thread. Weave hair extensions have a few options. You can do them on your natural hair, or go for wigs. 

Many wigs come with tape, so installing them should not be difficult. Just patiently search for wigs with good tape on them. Otherwise, extensions can be sewed or clipped as well. 

3. Which Is More Expensive?

Weaves are more expensive overall. A stylist would charge very high for doing it on your own hair. Quality wigs, the ones you can put hair color on, are even more expensive. Besides, putting on a wig or extension can harm the skin too.

4. Which Is More Damaging To Your Natural Hair?

Weaves are more damaging both on natural hair, also if weave hair extensions are used. Not that tracks do not do any harm, they do as well to a lesser extent. 

5. Which Lasts Longer?

A wig of weaves would last for two to three months. The same goes for hair extensions. If weaves are done on natural hair, then it will last only for a month. Tracks last for much longer than that. 

6. Which Is Easy To Take Care Of: Braided Hair Weaves Or Tracks?

Tracks are easy to clean and maintain, they remain soft with proper care. Weaves require a lot more attention, and they may still lead to damage. The tape of the hair extensions may come off with a wash, or the tape may also entangle the hair. 

7. Quick View Of Others Differentiators – A Complete List

Quick View Of Others Differentiators
  • Weaves are usually much thinner and lighter than tracks, making them more comfortable to wear and less noticeable.
  • Tracks are usually made from synthetic fibers, while weaves can be made from both natural and synthetic fibers.
  • Weaves are usually attached to the hair with glue or tape, while tracks are sewn or bonded onto the hair.
  • Weaves can be removed relatively easily, while tracks may require special solvents or adhesives to be removed.
  • Weaves offer more protection to your natural hair, while tracks can be damaging.
  • Weaves can be styled in many different ways, while tracks are usually just worn straight.
  • Weaves can be colored and highlighted, while tracks are usually just one color.

8. A) Pros and Cons of Tracks

Pros and Cons of Tracks


They are a great foundation for hairstyles needing hair extensions. This takes away the risk of problems like hair loss or hair damage from doing tight braids or hairstyles on natural hair. 

This style is easy to wash and maintain. Water and shampoo go through the hairs between them, unlike other protective ones. 

It will form a beautiful texture and add volume to your hair. You will get a jolly appearance after getting them styled. 


This style can shed the beauty of your natural hair. There is a chance your hair gets completely damaged.

The constant pull on your hair can create bald patches on your scalp, known as traction alopecia. 

Difficult to protect from dirt even after wearing a cover. They will easily get dirty and increase friction between them. 

7. B) Pros and Cons of Weaves

Pros and Cons of Weaves


Weaves will completely change your look. You can instantly add length and volume with weaves. 

Versatile in terms so designs. So you can try a lot of different styles with one method. You can wear curly weave hair extensions or hair weft extensions, anything you want.  

A weave protects a lot of hair from external vulnerabilities like dirt. This keeps the head clean.


The glue or tape attached to an average weave hair extension is harmful to your scalp. The quality of a hair extension depends on the price, but the higher tags still do not make much improvement. 

Services to get weaving strands sewn, or brush them, are expensive. You cannot do it yourself in a few tries.  

9. Which Is Better For Natural Human Hair?

A track is fine for your hair if it is done on healthy strands. Unhealthy and dry hair cannot accommodate a track, let alone all over the head. But in terms of weave extensions, there are a lot of problems. 

Doing them on original hair can lead to hair fall and damage. Using extensions with tape can lead to bigger problems. For example, skin irritation. Therefore, the track style is better. 



They last for about a month. Requires a length of four to five inches for creating a voluminous track. 


The easiest way to do a quick weave hair extension is to first clip your hair into sections. Then, apply the glue and start weaving in sections. This method works best if you only need a few inches of extensions.


A track is tightly braiding a strand to create a pattern. It is a great hairstyle itself, but also a foundation for other major styles. A group of track braids can make a weave.


Weaves are a particular design, extensions are externally detachable artificial hair that can be made for different styles. Weaves are a process where hair is attached to the scalp by using natural or artificial methods like glue, clips, or sewing. Extensions are synthetic materials that are added to the hair from various places on the body.


The most convenient way is to use a needle to sew the strand into a track. Getting a stylist to do it is ideal. 


Women love both looks, and they are adventurous enough to try as many as they can. Therefore, which one is better totally depends on you. But do not forget to maintain your hair properly. It is common with all hair fashions. Healthy hair can adjust anything, weak hair cannot.

By Cindy Mahlangu

Hey there! I'm Cindy Mahlangu, a pro hairstylist with a serious passion for natural hair care. My mission? To inspire and educate others on the beauty and benefits of protective hairstyles. Through my creative writing, aim to empower individuals to embrace their unique hair texture and confidently care for their locks. So, whether you're rocking locs, braids, or twists, join me on this hair journey and let's achieve healthy, fabulous tresses together!

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