Can You Braid Permed Hair

Yes, you can braid permed hair without any issues. Braiding is a versatile hairstyling technique that can be done on various hair types, including permed hair.

braid permed hair without any issues

Permed hair refers to hair that has been chemically treated to create curls or waves.

Many people assume that braiding permed hair should be avoided due to potential damage or loss of curl pattern, but this is not the case.

In fact, braiding can help maintain and protect permed hair, as it keeps the strands together and prevents tangling or breakage.

Whether you prefer a basic three-strand braid, French braid, Dutch braid, or any other braid style, you can confidently do so with permed hair. Just ensure that you use proper techniques and hair-friendly accessories for a beautiful and long-lasting hairstyle.

Understanding The Basics Of Permed Hair Braiding

Permed hair can be braided with proper care and technique. Understand the basics of braiding permed hair to ensure the best results and maintain the health of your hair.

braiding permed hair

Whether you’re a seasoned hairstylist or someone who loves experimenting with their hair, understanding the basics of braiding permed hair is essential. Permed hair requires special care and attention to maintain its texture and integrity.

Factors To Consider Before Braiding Permed Hair

  • Hair Texture: Consider the texture of your permed hair as not all hair types are suitable for braiding. Fine hair might be more prone to breakage and damage during braiding.
  • Hair Length: The length of your permed hair will determine the type of braids you can create. Longer hair allows for more versatility and a wider range of braiding styles.
  • Hair Health: Before braiding your permed hair, ensure that it is in good condition. If your hair is damaged or brittle, braiding can exacerbate these issues. It’s important to address any hair health concerns before attempting to braid permed hair.

Different Types Of Perm And Their Suitability For Braiding

  • Body Wave Perm: This perm creates loose waves and provides a good base for various braiding styles. It adds volume and texture, making it a great option for braided updos or half-up hairstyles.
  • Spiral Perm: As the name suggests, this perm creates tight spiral curls. While it might be challenging to braid tightly curled hair, you can use the curls as a decorative element in your braids or create loose, bohemian-style braids.
  • Partial Perm: If you have some sections of permed hair and others that are straight or natural, you can incorporate braids to blend the textures seamlessly. Braiding the straight or natural sections can add dimension and interest to your hairstyle.

Essential Products And Tools For Braiding Permed Hair

detangle your permed hair gently
  • Wide-Tooth Comb: Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your permed hair gently. Avoid using brushes as they can disrupt the curl pattern.
  • Moisturizing Leave-In Conditioner: Keeping your permed hair moisturized is crucial, especially before braiding. Apply a moisturizing leave-in conditioner to hydrate and soften your hair, making it more manageable for braiding.
  • Hair Clips: Sectioning your hair is essential for successful permed hair braiding. Use hair clips to divide your hair into smaller sections, making it easier to work with.
  • Bobby Pins: Bobby pins are versatile tools that can secure braids and hold them in place. Opt for bobby pins that closely match your hair color for a seamless look.
  • Hair Ties: Choose hair ties that are gentle on your permed hair to avoid causing breakage or damage. Opt for snag-free hair ties or scrunchies.

Tips And Techniques For Braiding Permed Hair

Discover effective tips and techniques to beautifully braid permed hair. Learn how to achieve stylish braided looks while keeping your permed locks healthy and gorgeous.

If you have permed hair and love the look of braids, you might be wondering if braiding is possible without compromising your perm. Well, good news – you can definitely braid permed hair!

With the right preparation, choosing the appropriate braid style, and following a step-by-step guide, you can achieve fabulous braids that showcase your permed locks.

Read on to discover some helpful tips and techniques for braiding permed hair.

Preparing And Protecting Permed Hair Before Braiding

  • Gently detangle your hair: Before you start braiding, carefully remove any tangles and knots from your permed hair using a wide-toothed comb or your fingers. This will prevent unnecessary breakage and ensure smooth and seamless braids.
  • Moisturize your hair: Permed hair tends to be drier than natural hair, so it’s important to keep it moisturized. Apply a leave-in conditioner or hair oil to hydrate and nourish your hair before braiding. This will also help to prevent frizz and keep your braids looking sleek and shiny.
  • Protect your ends: Perms can make hair more prone to split ends, so it’s crucial to protect them. Apply a small amount of oil or serum to your ends to seal in moisture and minimize breakage while braiding.

Choosing The Right Braid Style For Permed Hair:

more fragile
  • Opt for loose, gentle braids: Permed hair is generally more fragile, so it’s best to choose braids that are not overly tight or pulling on your hair. Loose and gentle braids, such as loose French braids or fishtail braids, are ideal for permed hair as they minimize unnecessary tension and reduce the risk of damage.
  • Consider protective styles: If you want to give your permed hair a break from styling and manipulation, consider protective styles like box braids or crochet braids. These styles not only protect your permed hair but also allow it to grow and flourish while you rock beautiful braids.

Step-By-Step Guide To Braiding Permed Hair:

  • Start with clean hair: Wash your permed hair with a mild shampoo and conditioner to ensure it is clean and ready for braiding. Avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals or sulfates, as they can strip your hair of moisture.
  • Prep your hair: Apply a hair moisturizer or leave-in conditioner to hydrate your hair and make it more manageable. This will also help to reduce frizz and ensure smooth braids.
  • Section your hair: Divide your hair into sections using clips or hair ties. Smaller sections make it easier to braid and create more defined braids.
  • Begin braiding: Take a small section of hair from one of your sections and divide it into three equal parts. Cross the right section over the middle section, then cross the left section over the new middle section. Continue this pattern, adding more hair each time you cross over, until you reach the end of the section. Secure the braid with a hair tie or rubber band.
  • Repeat the process: Continue braiding the rest of your hair, section by section, until you have braided all of your permed hair. Take breaks if needed, and don’t rush the braiding process to avoid applying excessive tension on your hair.

Maintaining And Caring For Braided Permed Hair

Maintaining And Caring For Braided Permed Hair

Braided permed hair requires special care and attention to maintain its health and style. It is possible to braid permed hair, but it’s important to follow proper techniques and use the right products to minimize damage and preserve the curls.

Regular moisturizing, avoiding excessive pulling and tension, and gentle handling are essential for keeping braided permed hair looking its best.

Braiding permed hair is a great way to switch up your look and add some texture to your curls. However, it’s important to know how to properly care for and maintain your braided permed hair to ensure it stays healthy and vibrant.

In this section, we’ll explore some key tips and techniques for protecting and caring for your braided permed hair.

Protecting The Braids To Maintain The Perm:

  • Avoid excessive manipulation: Limit the amount of touching, pulling, and tugging on your braids to prevent damage and maintain the integrity of your perm.
  • Sleep on a satin pillowcase or use a satin bonnet: Satin helps to reduce friction, preventing your braids from frizzing up and helping them retain their shape for longer.
  • Apply a lightweight oil or leave-in conditioner: This can help keep your braids moisturized and prevent them from becoming dry and brittle.

Proper Washing And Conditioning Routine For Braided Permed Hair:

  • Dilute your shampoo: Mix your shampoo with water to create a gentler cleansing solution that won’t overly strip your hair of its natural oils.
  • Focus on the scalp: When shampooing, concentrate on massaging your scalp to remove any dirt, sweat, or product buildup. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing your braids, as this can cause frizz and unraveling.
  • Use a lightweight conditioner: Opt for a conditioner that won’t weigh down your hair or leave behind residue. Apply the conditioner to the lengths of your hair, avoiding the roots, and rinse thoroughly.

Essential Tips For Preventing Damage And Breakage:

  • Keep your braids moisturized: Moisture is key for maintaining the health and elasticity of your hair. Use a water-based leave-in conditioner or spritz your braids with plain water to keep them hydrated.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles: Pulling your braids too tightly or wearing hairstyles that put excessive tension on your hair can lead to breakage and even traction alopecia. Opt for looser styles that allow your hair to breathe.
  • Be careful with heat styling: Excessive heat can damage your hair, especially when it’s already braided. If you want to use heat on your braids, make sure to use a heat protectant spray and keep the temperature low.

Stylish and Protective Braiding Styles for Permed Hair

Braiding styles are a fantastic choice for those with permed hair, offering versatility, style, and protection. Here are some trendy options:

1. Box Braids for Permed Hair

Box braids are a classic choice, providing a chic and low-maintenance look. These braids involve sectioning the hair into small squares and braiding them tightly from root to tip. They are not only stylish but also protective.

2. Senegalese Twists for Permed Hair

Senegalese twists offer a similar protective style but with a twist – literally! These twists are larger and created with a two-strand twisting technique. They provide a soft and natural look while safeguarding your permed hair.

3. Goddess Braids for Permed Hair

For a regal and intricate style, consider goddess braids. These large cornrows are created close to the scalp and can be adorned with beads or other accessories. They add a touch of elegance to your permed hair while keeping it protected.

4. Braided Crown Style

The braided crown style is an elegant and sophisticated choice. It creates a beautiful crown of braids that adds flair to your permed hair, making it perfect for special occasions.

5. Dutch Braid Updo

The Dutch braid updo adds volume and texture to permed hair. It’s a stylish choice that works well for both everyday wear and more formal events.

6. Fishtail Braid Ponytail

For a playful and fun look, the fishtail braid ponytail is a great option. This style combines the classic fishtail braid with a high ponytail, creating a chic and trendy hairstyle.


What happens when you braid relaxed hair?

Braiding relaxed hair can be a protective style, but it should be done gently to avoid excess tension, which can lead to breakage or thinning.

Will touching my hair ruin my perm?

Excessive touching or manipulating permed hair can lead to frizz and disrupt the curl pattern over time.

How long do knotless braids last on permed hair?

Knotless braids can last on permed hair for several weeks to a few months, depending on care and hair type.

Is permed hair hard to maintain?

Permed hair requires proper maintenance, including regular conditioning and avoiding harsh products, to maintain its health and curl pattern.

Will a perm shorten my hair?

A perm can temporarily make your hair appear shorter due to the curling process, but it doesn’t actually shorten the hair’s length.

How do you take care of a braided perm?

For permed hair in braids, use a gentle sulfate-free shampoo, moisturize regularly, and avoid excessive tension when braiding.

When should you not perm your hair?

Avoid perming your hair if it’s damaged, extremely dry, or if you’ve recently used certain chemical treatments like relaxers.

What not to do when first getting a perm?

After getting a perm, avoid washing or styling your hair for the recommended time to allow the curls to set properly.

How long do you have to wait to get braids?

It’s generally advisable to wait at least a week after perming your hair before getting braids to avoid excess stress on the hair.

Is it OK to perm your hair before getting braids?

Perming your hair before braiding is possible, but it’s essential to ensure your hair is in good condition before introducing additional treatments.

How should your hair be before getting braids?

Before getting braids, your hair should be clean, well-conditioned, and free from any chemicals or treatments that may react with the braiding hair.

What should I avoid before perming my hair?

Before perming your hair, avoid using harsh shampoos or chemicals, and inform your stylist about any recent treatments or hair history.

Do African braids damage your hair?

African braids, when installed and maintained correctly, should not damage your hair. Proper care is essential.

What ruins a perm?

A perm can be ruined by improper aftercare, using harsh hair products, excessive heat styling, or not following the stylist’s instructions.

Does conditioner ruin a perm?

Using a conditioner suitable for permed hair can actually help maintain the curl and prevent damage, as long as it’s used correctly.

How do you sleep with permed hair?

To preserve permed curls while sleeping, consider using a satin or silk pillowcase or tying a silk/satin scarf around your hair.

What not to do with permed hair?

Avoid using harsh or sulfate-based hair products, excessive heat, and tight hairstyles that can disrupt the curl pattern of permed hair.

How often should you wash permed hair?

Wash permed hair every 2-3 days or as needed, using a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner suitable for curly hair.

How long does a perm last?

A perm typically lasts for several weeks to a few months, depending on the hair’s natural texture, care, and the perm’s type.

How bad does a perm damage your hair?

A well-done perm should not cause significant damage if properly cared for. However, overprocessing or poor aftercare can lead to damage.

What not to put on a perm?

Avoid using products with harsh chemicals, sulfates, or high alcohol content on permed hair to prevent damage and frizz.

What neutralizes a perm?

A perm can be neutralized using a chemical solution, typically provided by the stylist, to lock in the curl pattern after the perming process.

What are the do’s and don’ts right after a perm?

Do follow the stylist’s aftercare instructions, including avoiding excessive moisture, heat, or manipulation. Don’t wash or style your hair immediately after a perm.

When can I tie my hair after perm?

You can tie your hair after a perm, but use loose hair ties or scrunchies to avoid creating kinks in the newly permed curls.

What happens if my perm gets wet?

Getting your perm wet immediately after the treatment can disrupt the curl pattern. Wait for the recommended time before wetting your hair.

How can I make my perm last longer?

To extend the life of your perm, use sulfate-free products, avoid excessive heat, and maintain a proper hair care routine for curly hair.

Why is my permed hair frizzy?

Permed hair can become frizzy due to factors like humidity, improper care, or using harsh hair products.

Why did my perm go away so fast?

A perm may not last long if it was not processed correctly or if it was not properly cared for after the treatment.

How much does a perm shorten your hair?

A perm can temporarily make your hair appear shorter due to the curling process, but it doesn’t significantly change the hair’s actual length.

How do you fix a frizzy perm?

To fix a frizzy perm, consider using anti-frizz products, deep conditioning treatments, and gentle styling methods to redefine and control the curls.

Can you run your fingers through your hair after a perm?

You can run your fingers through permed hair, but be gentle to avoid disrupting the curl pattern or causing frizz.


Braiding permed hair is not only possible but also a great way to switch up your style and protect your curls. Whether you have loose waves or tight coils, braiding can help showcase the versatility of your permed hair. By using the right products and techniques, you can achieve stunning braided hairstyles that will last for days.

However, it’s essential to keep in mind the condition and health of your hair. Protecting it from breakage and maintaining moisture is crucial for successful braiding. Experiment with different braid styles, such as box braids, cornrows, or twists, to find the one that suits your permed hair the best.

Remember to take care of your hair by moisturizing regularly and avoiding excessive tension while braiding. With the right approach and care, you can confidently rock braids on your permed hair and enjoy the versatility it brings.

By Cindy Mahlangu

Hey there! I'm Cindy Mahlangu, a pro hairstylist with a serious passion for natural hair care. My mission? To inspire and educate others on the beauty and benefits of protective hairstyles. Through my creative writing, aim to empower individuals to embrace their unique hair texture and confidently care for their locks. So, whether you're rocking locs, braids, or twists, join me on this hair journey and let's achieve healthy, fabulous tresses together!

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